Täljstensvägen 5A Lgh 1101, 75240, Uppsala, Sweden
Pubblicato il 17 Novembre 2020 / 542
Prezzo :
Tipo Strumento : GPS
Località : Aosta
Tipo : Base e rover
Marca : Altro
Caratteristiche : Beidou, Bluetooth, Compact flash, Doppia frequenza, Galileo, Gps, Glonass, GSM / GPRS, Micro SD, Modem GSM int., Modem GSM ext., Radio UHF int., Radio UHF ext., RS232, SBAS, SD card, USB, UHF, Wifi
Modello : SL900

It’s “Single” all the time? There’s no “fixed”? What to try to to with RTK?

RTK has brought great convenience to our survey work. However, RTK keeps displaying “Single”, “DGPS” or “Float”, and can’t get the “Fixed” status, especially when the sun is scorching and the body is exhausted. This is often a very maddening thing. We’ve collected and sorted out relevant information for this purpose. First of all, we released an answer to the “Single” state. Maybe we will solve these RTK problems through the subsequent tips.

Why it’s “Single”?

When the RTK displays the “Single” status, it means the RTK receiver doesn’t use any differential correction information to calculate the three-dimensional coordinates. If you’re using the radio mode, there could also be a drag with the connection or settings of the mobile station.

How to deal with?

1. Check whether the base station is functioning normally and whether the signal fire of the base station is flashing and transmitting signals normally. If it blinks normally, attend step 3. If it’s not normal, attend step 2.

2. If the base station signal flickers abnormally (the signal can’t be transmitted normally), it’s going to be that the base station coordinates are abnormal, and smoothly obtain the transmitting coordinates again. You’ll also check whether the cable is plugged in, whether the connection line is broken, whether the battery power is just too low, etc. (external radio mode). Check whether the radio antennas on each side of the base station and rover are plugged in (built-in radio).

3. If the signal fire of the base station is flashing normally (normally transmitting signals), the signal fire of the rover doesn’t flash. Check whether the air baud and radio channel of the base station and the rover are consistent.

4. If the signal lights of the base station and the rover are both flashing, check the differential telegram format of the rover and therefore the base station, and set them to a uniform format.

5. If there’s no problem with the settings, observe and measure the encompassing environment again. If the rover is seriously blocked, you would like to re-set up the station in an open place.

6. Finally, check whether the space between the rover and therefore the base station is beyond the range set by the instrument.

Learn more about RTK base station:

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